
Energy Field Power attunement



Elemental Power Clearing

Advanced Registration is Required

20-minute sessions available
Cost $44pp

 Clients will be instructed to lay on Karen’s vibroacoustic healing bed surrounded by an Inner Fire copper pyramid. Karen’s sacred cloth, (Mestiza) will be beneath the client. Her medicine stones (Kuyas) will be opened on her Mestana. The healing medicine stones represent the four directions, North, South, East and West. She will begin by opening Wirocochas, known as personal sacred space over the Fire pyramid and client while using powerful sound vibration and clearing techniques associated with the 5 elements. Wind, Water, Fire, Earth and Ether.

 Karen will be opening the client’s chakras to tease out any dense energies that have built up over years or even lifetimes or trauma. She will be using a combination of Stones, Crystals, Shells, Feather Fans, Florida Water, Sage and Palo Santo for the clearing process along with healing hertz, gongs, crystal pyramids/bowls, drums etc. to help loosen up (Hucha) dense energies residing in your physical body and etheric field. This is a very powerful clearing process and can be done in a short amount of time.

Please make sure you hydrate before and after these sessions