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Palo Santo, literally meaning “holy wood” in Spanish, is a tree that is widely distributed throughout Central and South America. Palo Santo is used in South America in much the same way white sage is used in North America- to combat negative energy and to cleanse the space. Palo Santo is different than many of the other smudging herbs as it is fragrant in its raw form and does not necessarily need to be lit, though it usually is when being used for ceremonial purposes. Palo Santo is often used by Amazonian shamans in sacred plant spirit ceremonies; the rising smoke of the lit sticks is believed to enter the energy field of ritual participants to clear misfortune, negative thoughts, and to chase away evil spirits. Its use reportedly dates back to the Inca era.

It is believed that a tree or fallen branches must lie dead for 4-10 years before the medicinal and mystical properties of the wood begin to come alive. It is also believed that the branches of the Palo Santo that are felled by lightning have the highest concentration of medicinal and mystical properties.


Smudging in the Seven Directions – A Native American Prayer:

Facing East:
I welcome the energy of new beginnings, the rising sun at the beginning of the day, and the light of illumination. Welcome Eagle, flying nearest the heavens, with the clearest of vision. I welcome the energies and spirits of the East. And so it is.

Facing South:
I welcome the energy of service to my loved ones, the heat of the noon-day sun and the spirit of action in the world. Welcome Coyote. I welcome the energies and spirits of the South. And so it is.

Facing West:
I welcome the energy of looking within to find the gifts of healing. Welcome Bear and the spirit of renewal. I welcome the energies and spirits of the West. And so it is.

Facing North:
I welcome the energy of wisdom and blessing and the Grandmothers and Grandfathers who teach me. Welcome Buffalo and the spirit of giveaway, teach me to be generous and honour all that I receive. I welcome the energies and spirits of the North. And so it is.

Looking up:
I welcome the energy and spirit of Above. Father Sky, Star people, and Cloud people. Welcome all that is masculine, grandfathers, fathers, brothers, uncles and sons. And that masculine energy that also exists within the feminine. I welcome the energies and spirits of Father Sky. And so it is.

Looking down (touching the ground):
I welcome the energy of Mama Earth, the feminine principle, the energy and spirit of Below. I welcome the energy and the spirit of our grandmothers, our mothers, sisters, aunts and daughters. And that feminine energy that exists within the masculine. I welcome the energies and spirits of Mother Earth. And so it is.

Looking within (holding your hands over your heart):
I welcome the energy Within, the principle of being connected. I welcome the gifts of balance, oneness, and the connection with all things, for all things are one and all things are related. I welcome the energies and spirits of Self. And so it is.

Bad energy, be gone!


The spiritual element of wellness can be the most personal piece of the puzzle when trying to place all eight dimensions of wellness together. Generally, people like to live a life with meaning and purpose. When these goals are met, it puts harmony in one’s life, and the others they surround themselves with.

So, what can you do to improve your spiritual wellness? It’s best to figure out what techniques work for you. Since spiritual wellness involves one’s values, beliefs, and purpose, it can be achieved in several ways—both physically and mentally.

    1. Explore your spiritual core.By exploring your spiritual core, you are simply asking yourself questions about the person you are and your meaning. Ask yourself: Who am I? What is my purpose? What do I value most? These questions will lead you down a road where you will think more in-depth about yourself and allow you to notice things about yourself that will help you achieve fulfillment.

    1. Look for deeper meanings.Looking for deeper meanings in your life and analyzing occurring patterns will help you see that you have control over your destiny. Being aware of this can help you achieve a happy and healthy life.

    1. Get it out.Expressing what is on your mind will help you to maintain a focused mind. After a long day or a significant event, you may feel confused and not be able to make sense of your feelings. By writing down your thoughts, you may be able to think clearer and move forward.

    1. Try yoga.Yoga is a physical technique that can help improve your spiritual wellness by reducing emotional and physical strains on your mind and body. Yoga is taught at all different levels and can help lower stress, boost the immune system, and lower blood pressure as well as reduce anxiety, depression, fatigue, and insomnia.

    1. It’s true! Taking time for yourself to travel to a comforting place or somewhere new can do wonders for your mind. When you are at a place where your mind can keep out distractions and help you reflect and rest, you will have a better connection with yourself. This allows you to weed out stressors and set your mind on the right path for overall wellness. Some activities to take part in when on a trip can be exercising, speaking with a counselor or advisor, meditation, or taking a temporary vow of silence.

    1. Think positively.Once you start viewing things in your life in a positive manner, you will find yourself thinking differently and refocusing your mind to a happy, healthy place. When you eliminate negativity and re-frame how you think of certain things and situations, you’ll notice yourself being more relaxed.

    1. Take time to meditate.While managing your time and daily tasks can be hard, it is crucial to devote time to connecting with yourself. Whether in the morning when you wake up, during your lunch break, or before you go to sleep, take five to 10 minutes to meditate each day. Fitting mediation and relaxation into your lifestyle will free your mind and foster a stronger relationship with your spiritual wellness.