
What Is Energy Healing?

As a part of the holistic healing approach, Energy Healing is the ability of a healer to channel pure Universal Energy, assisting the client’s body in healing itself and restoring its natural balance. Energy Healing is a non denominational method of healing and will occur regardless of the client’s religious beliefs. Energy healing can be instrumental not only with various chronic diseases but also with weight and stress management as well as overall physical, emotional and spiritual balance restoration.

What is Shamanic healing and Jikiden Reiki?

Shamanic healing is where I , as a Shamanic Healer, I work in tandem with my spirit guides in the spiritual realms The Illumination will call on your guides as well as my guides to repair your soul, so that you can experience healing on the earth realm. People who have been through life altering trauma, whether mental, physical or emotional, may have lost a part of their soul, or damaged their spiritual force field. This loss or trauma makes them vulnerable to illness, bad luck and depression. I will journey into the spirit world with you and help heal your soul. 

Jikiden Reiki is an authentic Japanese Usui Reiki. The teachings started in 1920 in Japan. The technique has no Western influence or adaptation to the teaching of the time. It is a highly honored and regulated modality. I channel energy through my hands to my recipient. I can feel where your energy is blocked. With this treatment you will recognize and release anger, recognize and let go of doubt and worry. You will find yourself practicing gratitude and recognizing your own consciousness.

As a Shamanic Healer and Jikiden Reiki Practitioner, I have the gift to blend these two healing modalities into the most unique and exciting healing experience of your life. You will be uplifted to the highest possible frequency to face your healing path.

What can be treated with Shamanic healing and Jikiden Reiki?

I can work and remove the dense energy that causes stress, anxiety and ultimately disease such as cancer, addiction, alcoholism, depression, PTSD and the darkness that strips your will to continue your healing journey. I also can help you through weight loss and pain management. I work with a lot of clients who are processing the steps of grief through the loss of a loved one. A holistic approach

What happens during a healing session?

An experience of peace and complete relation as I journey with you to the Spirit. The Illumination process is the core of each Shamanic healing. Together, with my guides, we transform toxic emotions and trauma to wisdom, power and grace. You will be surrounded with pure light and comfort with sound healing and energetic touch. As a Shamanic Practitioner, I breath light through your DNA in order to clear your luminous energy field for a more positive outlook on life.

How often should someone have a healing session?

I recommend a healing session once a month, depending on how I evaluate your energy. Depending on your trauma, I may ask you to see me every two weeks. As I see your LEF improve, then the recommended once a month session is sufficient and powerful. 

How should a client prepare for a session?

Staying hydrated and well rested is important to face your healing head on. Bringing your soul to center, grounding and feeling the energies of Gaya will help keep you grounded before your session. Breath work is also an essential tool to stay centered as this technique will keep you out of Fight or Flight mode as you face and release the trauma in order to continue and maintain your energy during this sacred healing journey.  

How will I feel after my healing session?

After your healing session, you will feel a release of the dense energy that no longer defines you. I remove both good and bad energy in order for light to fill your new frequency for your highest and best good. You may feel tired and sometimes you may feel a need to release the trauma, pain, or addictions that we are healing together. You will feel and know you are cared for, always.

How long is the average healing session?

The average healing ceremony is 75 minutes. Depending on the technique and the clearing of your energetic light field, the session can take up to 2 hours in length.